DSEU Kind Circle Scholarship 2021-22

1. Students must be a student of DSEU (Delhi Skill and Entrepreneurship University).
2. Students must have secured admission to DSEU in AY 2021-22 in any of the Diploma, Undergraduate or Postgraduate courses.


Basis the fund raised within circle, scholarship can be given in the following categories:

  • INR 5,000 for monthly living expenses
  • INR 30,000 for learning device (laptop) – one time reimbursement over the duration of the course
  • INR 3,000 for 360 degree education experience – on need basis
Other benefits:

Every year, scholar has to provide details and documents in an online scholar tracking system to claim their scholarships as per following renewal eligibility criteria.

  • Proof of continuity of education in subsequent years with a minimum 55% academic performance
  • Proof of tuition fee paid receipts for the academic year
  • No disciplinary issues
  • Scholarship will be transferred on annual basis to scholar (or parent) bank account.


  • Scholarship (& subsequent instalments) will be transferred on annual basis to scholars after receiving all details and documents 
  • In a situation, where student/family is not able to pay the institute & provide fee receipts, they can submit Fees letter (issued by institute) to get scholarship amount in advance, however they need to submit the final receipts in online scholar tracking system

Final decision will lie with the Karta and fund availability

The deadline of DSEU Kind Circle Scholarship 2021-22 is over.

DSEU Kind Circle

*Net Banking, All Debit/Credit Card, Paytm & UPI *inclusive of all operational expenses.

₹ 22Raised

Delhi Skill and Entrepreneurship University (DSEU) was established in August 2020 by the Government of NCT of Delhi with a vision to completely redefine what high quality skills education in the country can look like by making skilling aspirational and accessible for all. DSEU’s mission is to:

  1. To accord dignity to every skill and student to ensure meaningful jobs and livelihoods for students from all walks of life
  2. To support and nurture budding entrepreneurs to be successful in their pivot towards creating new jobs and productivity in the economy

DSEU Kind Circle Scholarship primarily caters to marginalized segments of the society where the ability to invest in education is limited. This Kind Circle has been instituted by DSEU to support needy and meritorious (or covid affected) students of DSEU. This circle intends to smoothen the education experience of DSEU’s students by supporting them with their expenses such as living expense, commutation expense, learning device expense or other educational expenses.

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Delhi Skill and Entrepreneurship University

Members (3)

DSEU Admin

Sandeep Kumar

Lucknow Uttar Pradesh

Ashutosh Burnwal

Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh

  • DSEU Kind Circle Scholarship 2021-22
    Deadline: 31-Mar-2022

    1. Students must be a student of DSEU (Delhi Skill and Entrepreneurship University).
    2. Students must have secured admission to DSEU in AY 2021-22 in any of the Diploma, Undergraduate or Postgraduate courses.


    Basis the fund raised within circle, scholarship can be given in the following categories:

    • INR 5,000 for monthly living expenses
    • INR 30,000 for learning device (laptop) – one time reimbursement over the duration of the course
    • INR 3,000 for 360 degree education experience – on need basis
Frequently asked questions
  • How will my contribution reach to the needy students?

    Your donation will reach to DSEU enrolled students directly in their bank accounts.

  • What is mode of donation for supporting a student?

    You can donate though online banking or directly from your bank debit/credit card.

  • How is my support unique with Kind Circle?

    KindCircle is backed with close to 4.5 million registered students on Buddy4Study.com. Your contribution will reach to the most deserving students selected through a multi-layered process after due verification of students. At KindCircle, we also bring you

    • Transparency in fund-usage
    • Technology-driven automated processes
    • Regular student tracking

Drop us an email at kind@buddy4study.com

How will your contribution help transform the lives of deserving student/s?

Your donation will

  • Help Buddy4Study to carry out due diligence for eligible student profiles for your unique scholarship criteria
  • Provide you technology support to identify and pick best profiles for your scholarship programme
  • Directly benefit (through DBT) selected students to continue their education

Thank you for taking a step forward to support the cause of education! We will be sending you soon an 80G certificate for your tax deduction.

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